The mission of the Pennsylvania Black Conference on Higher Education, Inc. (PBCOHE) is to provide programs and services which help ensure that the post-secondary educational needs and aspirations of African Americans in particular are met, and to work in concert with members of other
underrepresented groups in the Commonwealth.
This mission is accomplished by fully utilizing our individual and collective talents and resources. We further achieve our mission through education, research, training, and publication. In particular, the mission provides for:
PBCOHE shares with other organizations of the Commonwealth the mission of:
underrepresented groups in the Commonwealth.
This mission is accomplished by fully utilizing our individual and collective talents and resources. We further achieve our mission through education, research, training, and publication. In particular, the mission provides for:
- ADVOCACY on behalf of students, faculty and staff needs and interests.
- SUPPORT of personal growth and development of its members through educational programs, networking, training in human relations, and leadership skills.
- REVIEW AND ANALYSIS of legislation, rulings, and reports for the impact on African Americans and other underrepresented groups in the Commonwealth.
PBCOHE shares with other organizations of the Commonwealth the mission of:
- DEVELOPING an educational environment that promotes and encourages desirable educational advancement for all people and educational strategies to promote inter-group understanding within an increasingly diverse population in the Commonwealth.
- CONTRIBUTING to efforts in the Commonwealth to graduate students by promoting quality programs which encourage personal and academic achievement and support efforts to recruit, develop, and promote its faculty and staff, once hired.
- CREATING a climate that promotes and attracts students to post-secondary education and graduate programs.